Hi and welcome! I am so glad that you found my website. My name is Debbie and I am the Edelweiss Spiritual Psychic Medium. I am a natural born Psychic Medium and by that I mean I was born this way. My family first recognized my unusual gifts when I was the age of three and they figured out that my “imaginary friend” wasn’t quite so imaginary. Ends up that the little girl who I played with and assumed that everyone in my family could see and hear was actually the spirit of my dad’s sister who died at the age of 8 years old, in the home where I was born and raised. As a child I would sense other people’s feelings and thoughts and know details about their lives that a normal child wouldn’t or couldn’t. For years it made me feel like an out cast, but it also was something that I couldn’t change about myself. In my younger years I worried more about what people would think of the things that I told them and what they would think of me. With age comes confidence in myself and the messages that I give. With age comes the realization that I am merely the messenger, it is my path and my calling. It is what God has asked me to do. With age comes profound peace of mind that assures me that I am where I am supposed to be, doing what I am supposed to be doing. That is how my journey of discovery began